The Solar Eclipse Signature of the Tetrads

One of the things that is VERY unique about the 2014 - 15 Blood Moon Tetrad is that it has a Jewish New Year to New Year correspondence.  The unique total solar eclipse on the Spring Equinox and Jewish New Year (March 20, 2015) is marking off a prophetic conclusion of a matter or (Church) Age perhaps with the partial solar eclipse of September 13, 2015, on Rosh Hashanah. Could this allude to the end of the Churches Commission? 

The linked study below shows that based on the NASA calculations of the 8 Blood Moon Tetrads since Christ, none but the 2014 - 15 Tetrad has both a total solar eclipse occurring on the Equinox and Jewish religious New Year. 

Blood Moon Pattern 
- Thus could the 2014 - 15 Tetrad be the prophetic time-marker that is to converge the ending of the Commission of the Church to that of the commissioning of the 144k and the 2 Witnesses based on the Equinox solar eclipse New Year’s sign? 

Perhaps the end of the Church Age is to be somehow related to the Tetrad that ends in the Fall of 2015 or soon thereafter. From this time forward, no such Tetrads will have the 4 corresponding Feasts synchronized in a row with a total solar eclipse in the midst. 

As it pertains to Pentecost (May 24th) in 2015, it will amazingly be aligned with the 3rd Blood Moon of the Tetrad, April 4, 2015 in a phi ratio of time. This Blood Moon in turn is synchronized to the 50th day, which is Pentecost on May 24th. Most noticeably, it converges on the same day as observed by the Jewish calendar and the Western calendar.

It will also be 10 days prior is a convergence of both Ascension Day that is the 
day of the Rapture of Jesus Christ to Heaven, which coincides with Israel’s 
Independence Day on May 14.

See the Tetrad Solar Eclipse Signature Study – by Luis Vega:

…and accompanying Chart:

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