The Conclusive Tetrad

This study by Luis Vega presents the case that the Church Age is about to conclude in this generation. This is based on 2 possible confirming signs validating this time-span that is based on an astronomical Blood Moon (April 4th) and solar eclipse correlation (March 20th). The 1st correlation is from the midnight Blood Moon of 32 AD that this study suggests is in fact when the crucifixion day occurred, to the start of the 1st Blood Moon of the 2014-15 Tetrad, exactly 1983 years. The 2nd correlation is that no other Tetrad before or after has a total solar eclipse exactly on the Spring Equinox that is also a Jewish New Year. What the point is that the Tetrad of 2014-15 might very well be the one that is to precede the Day of the LORD as foretold by the prophet Joel as a partial solar eclipse occurs on the Rosh HaShana. This is in essence a ‘code’ for a beginning and end duration of time; perhaps that of the Pentecostal Intermission?

There are other Tetrads that occur after 2014-15 as the ones in 2032, 2043, 2061, etc., none but the 2061-62 Tetrad have the consecutive 4 Feast days of YHVH, yet it does not have a total solar eclipse occurring in between the Blood Moons on a New Year nor Equinox. Thus the point is that the subsequent Tetrads in the future are a mixed-bag of that do not ‘fit’ the Joel prophecy as does the one exclusively in 2014-15. Erroneously many also have come to believe based on drawing renditions of the 2014-15 Tetrad that only 1 total solar eclipse occurs in the ‘middle’ of the Tetrad. This is not the case.

The Solar Eclipse Signature of the Tetrads

What is unique about the 2014-15 Tetrad is that it has a Jewish New Year to New Year correspondence. The unique total solar eclipse on the Spring Equinox and Jewish New Year on March 20, 2015 is marking off a prophetic conclusion of a matter or Age perhaps with the partial solar eclipse of September 13, 2015, on Rosh HaShana. Could this allude to the end of the Pentecostal Intermission? The chart in the linked study below shows that based on the NASA calculations of the 8 Tetrads since Christ none but the 2014-15 Tetrad has both a total solar eclipse occurring on the Equinox and Jewish religious New Year.

Blood Moon Pattern

Thus could the 2014-15 Tetrad be the prophetic time-marker that is to converge the ending of the Commission of the Church to that of the commissioning of the 144k and the 2 Witnesses based on the Equinox solar eclipse New Year’s code? Perhaps the end of the Church Age is to be somehow related to the Tetrad that ends in the Fall of 2015 or soon thereafter. From this time forward, no such Tetrads will have the 4 corresponding Feasts synchronized in a row with a total solar eclipse in the midst.

Any significant time beyond the 2014-15 Tetrad also does away with the 49 year Jubilee pattern, the 50 and 70 year pattern since Israel became a nation in 1948 and when the Temple Mount was back in Jewish control in 1967. One thing is for sure, the Church Age is at its closing stages.

See the complete Study and details by Luis Vega here:

…and accompanying Chart here:

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