Mark Biltz : The Feast of Trumpets - The beginning of the Lords New Year Video

In this 36 minute video  (which is worth the time watching in its entirety) Mark states that he believes the Bible supports that the Rapture will be ON a Shemitah year (providing supporting arguments for that position), and if so, if it does not occur this year, it would not occur for another 7 years - the next Shemitah year being 2022. 

In a recent exclusive article published in the WND, Pastor Blitz delivers what he calls a “bombshell” concerning the significance of the Shemitah and the Blood Moon Tetrad. In referring to the Biblical Tribulation, a seven year period of unprecedented peril and suffering on earth, he goes on to state, “what I am proposing is that it (the Tribulation) is simply a continuation of the Shemitah cycle that has been ticking along for ages. The Tribulation will not be any random sequence of seven years, but the first year of the Tribulation will begin with the first year of the seven-year cycle. This has huge prophetic implications when we realize this Rosh Hashanah is the seventh year of a seven-year cycle, and the fall of 2015 begins a new seven-year cycle.”

IF that were to be true (and not necessarily 100% supporting it, because it could be pointing to the Rapture alone and then a certain “gap period” prior to and then including a 7-year Tribulation period – see…remember we have back-to-back Shemitah years as September ends the current Shemitah-year and begins the Jubilee Shemitah-year!  …Additional supporting thoughts would be, if the Rapture were to take place in the next Shemitah year of 2022, then the end of the 7-year Tribulation period would be in 2029 which is 1 full year beyond the prophetic timeline of possibility, indicated by the 1948 birth of Israel and the Matthew 24:32-34 parable of the fig tree, and 80 years for reason of strength generation window in Psalm 90:10.

If one compares 2015 with 2022, clearly the better symmetry and greater potential significance of all the signs and wonders, as a heavenly witness, is 2015.  2015 is clearly a one of a kind year and a totally unique convergence of heavenly signs.  How unique?  See THE SUPER MOON PATTERNS CONVERGENCE OF LUNAR PERIGEE CYCLES A Coming Prophetic Synchronization of Time

Shemitah Year 2022
May 17 - Lunar Total Blood Moon at Perigee (Super Moon)
June 14 - Super Moon
July 13 - Super Moon
Aug 10 - Super Moon
    [Tetrad of successive Super Moons – none blood moons]
Nov 8 - Lunar Total Blood Moon
    Note neither blood moon of 2022 falls directly on a Jewish Feast Day and no 
    total solar sackcloth sun ellipse in correspondence with a blood moon

Shemitah Year 2015
Jan 20 - Total Solar Super Moon & 1st of Triad 
Feb 18 - A Super Moon & 2nd of Triad + Bulls Eye Black Moon 
Mar 20 - Solar Eclipse Super Moon & 3rd of Triad 
 (Sackcloth Sun & Bulls Eye Black Moon in the middle of the Tetrad Blood Moons)
Apr 4 - Blood Moon on Feast Day & 3rd of Tetrad and Bulls Eye between the two Triads
[possible significance - last warning to the gentile nations of the Church Age]

Aug 29 - Full Moon, Perigee Moon, Super Moon & 1st of Triad
Sept 28 - Full Moon, Harvest Moon, Blood Moon on feast day, Super Moon, 4th of Tetrad & Bulls Eye of a Triad [possible significance - a Super Sign for just Israel (after the Church has been removed), as it is the only one of the Tetrad seen over Israel.  As blood moons denote the judgment of God upon the nation of Israel, it could be both a Super Sign wakeup call as to the end of the Church Age and a call for Israel to turn back to God, and the coming of Jacobs Trouble]

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.  Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.”  Psalm 19:1–4

E. W. Bullinger expounded Psalm 19 in detail, recording the following for our benefit. "Surely there is something more referred to here than a mere wonder excited by the works of the creator! When we read the whole passage and mark its structure, and note the words employed, we are emphatically told that the heavens contain a revelation from God; they prophesy, they show knowledge, they tell of God's glory, and set forth His purposes and counsels."