See Supreme Court get scorched for potentially redefining marriage - Jonathan Cahn on Capitol Hill, addresses Members of Congress and Leaders with a very prophetic message to the Supreme Court, President Obama and America.
An Absolute MUST WATCH!
Israel in the Crosshairs of the Middle East War Drums
Update #10
America, ostensibly Israel’s ally, is rumored to have ordered US warships to shoot down Israeli aircraft, should a strike on Iran appear to be in progress… America is currently sending additional warships to the Persian Gulf – ostensibly to blockade Iranian supply runs to rebels in Yemen, but if rumors of President Obama’s threat against Israel are correct, perhaps also to reinforce US firepower, should Israel decide to mount an attack against Iran… There is no doubt an attack is on the drawing board – the Israeli Defense Force admitted they are training for an attack on Iran… Israel is not in a pleasant situation. Every day, her arch enemy Iran draws closer to refining enough uranium to build 100s of nuclear weapons…
Iran FM says nuke deadline not ‘sacrosanct’
Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said at an event Wednesday in New York that even though Iran certainly wants to meet the June 30 deadline for an agreement, “no time deadline is sacrosanct.”… Zarif says Iran expects UN sanctions to be lifted within a few days of a deal……this is the strategy they have been effectively using for years – stall and stall some more, until they breakout (very soon) with an announcement they are a nuclear power!! …Jeremiah 49 is right around the corner!
Exclusive: Britain told U.N. monitors of active Iran nuclear procurement
Britain has informed a United Nations sanctions panel of an active Iranian nuclear procurement network linked to two blacklisted firms… Iran, which is has been under sanctions for years, has a long history of illicit nuclear procurement using front companies and other methods of skirting sanctions… Tehran denies allegations from Western powers and their allies that it is amassing the capability to produce nuclear weapons under cover of a civilian atomic energy program…
Hizballah officers land in Tehran with Syrian defense chief. Iran OKs anti-Israel strategy
A high-level Hizballah delegation arrived secretly in Tehran Tuesday, along with the large military group led by Syrian Defense Minister… “The parties quickly finalized their plans of action against Israel, and the IDF will no doubt face on the Golan a far more active and intense front than they have seen yet.”… Syrian President Bashar Assad and Hizballah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah are reported by DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources to have held urgent discussions in the last few days on how to react to the two Israeli air strikes conducted Wednesday, April 22 and Friday, April 24, on their Qalamoun mountain missile bases… DEBKAfile’s military sources calculate that the coming hours may be critical for Israel’s northern front against Syria and Hizballah. If Tehran gives the nod, both are liable to ratchet up their assaults on northern Israel’s Golan and Galilee regions…
Biden: 'Path has already been paved' to Iranian bomb
Iran would have enough enriched uranium within three months to be able to make up to eight nuclear weapons if negotiations with the international community blow up, Vice President Joe Biden said late Thursday, noting that "the path has already been paved" for that outcome.
So let’s bullet point the salient message from the articles above:
1.America is rumored to have ordered US warships to shoot down Israeli aircraft, should a strike on Iran appear to be in progress;
2.There is no doubt an attack is on the drawing board – the Israeli Defense Force admitted they are training for an attack on Iran;
3.Iran: the June 30 deadline for an agreement, is not sacrosanct;
4.Iran has a long history of illicit nuclear procurement, skirting sanctions and is amassing the capability to produce nuclear weapons;
5.Iran, Hizballah and Syria have finalized their plans of action against Israel - the coming hours may be critical for Israel’s northern front against Syria and Hizballah;
6.Iran has enough enriched uranium to be able to make up to eight nuclear weapons.
Make no mistake about it, the middle east is on the brink of the fulfillment of Psalm 83, Zechariah 12, Obadiah 1, Isaiah 17, Isaiah 19, Ezekiel 35 and Jeremiah 49
Continue to “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: "May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels." Psalm 122:6-7 ...May PM Benjamin Netanyahu and his new Cabinet members be like “the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do”… I Chronicles 12:32
…and be assured of the Biblically promised outcome: “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” Zechariah 12:3
…“And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.” Zechariah 12:9 …God has promised that “No weapon formed against you shall prosper…” Isaiah 54:17a
"Blow a trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm on My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the Day of the Lord is coming; surely it is near." Joel 2:1
"Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near." Luke 21:28
"Encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near." Hebrews 10:25b
The Iranian regime is the biggest state sponsor of global terrorism. Iranian officials repeatedly call for “death to Israel” and “death to America.” The Islamic Republic of Iran is determined to acquire nuclear weapons. Therefore, I stand against Iran.
The State of Israel is the closest ally of the United States in the Middle East. The Jewish State is the most vibrant democracy in a repressive region. Israel is the safe haven not only for Jews but for Christians and all faiths. Therefore, I stand with Israel.
Breaking Israel News will present this petition to US Presidential candidates. Join hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens.
"For this is what the LORD Almighty says: "After the Glorious One has sent me against the nations that have plundered you for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye" Zechariah 2:8
DEBKAfile reports exclusively from Washington: US President Barack Obama did not wait for Binyamin Netanyahu to finish building his new government coalition by its deadline at midnight Wednesday, May 6, before going into action to pay him back for forming a right-wing cabinet minus any moderate figure for resuming negotiations with the Palestinians.
Banking on Netanyahu’s assertion while campaigning for re-election that there would be no Palestinian state during his term in office, Obama is reported exclusively by our sources to have given the hitherto withheld green light to European governments to file a UN Security Council motion proclaiming an independent Palestinian state. Although Netanyahu left the foreign affairs portfolio in his charge and available to be filled by a suitably moderate figure as per the White House’s expectations did not satisfy the US President.
The White House is confident that, with the US voting in favor, the motion will be passed by an overwhelming majority and therefore be binding on the Israeli government.
To show the administration was in earnest, senior US officials sat down with their French counterparts in Paris last week to sketch out the general outline of this motion. According to our sources, they began addressing such questions as the area of the Palestinian state, its borders, security arrangements between Israel and the Palestinians and whether or not to set a hard-and-fast timeline for implementation, or phrase the resolution as a general declaration of intent.
Incorporating a target date in the language would expose Israel to Security Council sanctions for non-compliance.
It was indicated by the American side in Paris that the Obama administration would prefer to give Netanyahu a lengthy though predetermined time scale to reconsider his Palestinian policy or even possibly to broaden and diversify his coalition by introducing non-aligned factions or figures into such key posts as foreign affairs.
At the same time, both American and French diplomats are already using the club they propose to hang over the Netanyahu government’s head for gains in other spheres. French President Francois Hollande, for instance, the first foreign leader ever to attend a Gulf Council of Cooperation summit, which opened in Riyadh Tuesday to discuss Iran and the Yemen war, used the opportunity to brief Gulf Arab rulers on Washington’s turnaround on the Israeli-Palestinian issue.
And US Secretary of State John Kerry plans to present the Obama administration’s new plans for Palestinian statehood to Saudi leaders during his visit to Riyadh Wednesday and Thursday, May 6-7. Kerry will use Washington’s willingness to meet Palestinian aspirations as currency for procuring Saudi and Gulf support for a Yemen ceasefire and their acceptance of the nuclear deal shaping up with Iran...–-payback-for-Israel’s-right-wing-cabinet
... “The God of Israel will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem” Zechariah 12:9
“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” – Genesis 12:3
“And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.” Revelation 17:15-17 (KJV)
EDITOR’S NOTE: Pope Francis is almost certainly the False Prophet mentioned in the book of Revelation. From a prophetic stand point, he has accomplished more in the last two years than the last 20 popes combined. And like all popes before him, he is absolutely the enemy of the state of Israel. As shocking as this is, it is only a warmup for the 7 Year Peace Treaty that will be brought by the False Prophet’s buddy, the Antichrist. The signing of today’s treaty advances the prophecy time clock forward by a huge leap.
~ Achtung, Juden.
ROME — Formal recognition of a Palestinian state by the Vatican, which has deep religious interests in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories that include Christian holy sites, lends a powerful signal of moral authority and legitimacy to the efforts by the Palestinian Authority’s president, Mahmoud Abbas, to achieve statehood despite the long paralyzed Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
Israel has grown increasingly alarmed about the increased international acceptance of Palestine as a state since the United Nations upgraded the Palestinian delegation’s status in 2012 to that of a nonmember observer state. A number of European countries have also signaled their acceptance of Palestinian statehood.
A statement from a joint commission of Vatican and Palestinian diplomatic officials, posted on the Vatican news website, said “the work of the commission on the text of the agreement has been concluded,” and that it would be submitted for formal approval and for signing “in the near future.”
Hanna Amireh, head of a Palestinian committee on church affairs, said the treaty was a broad one regarding the Vatican’s interests in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, including the standing of churches and church courts and taxes on church charities, institutions and lands, as well as other cultural and diplomatic matters. He said it had been under negotiation for about a year.
“The Vatican is the spiritual capital of the Catholics, and they are recognizing Palestine, that’s the chief importance,” said Mr. Amireh, who is also a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s executive committee. The move counters an image of Palestinians as militants or terrorists, he added, as a “recognition of the Palestinian character that has a clear message for coexistence and peace.”
“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
Forcing everyone to spend only by electronic means from an account held at a government-run bank would give the authorities far better tools to deal with recessions and economic story on our Facebook page:
Pope Francis Meets with Abbas, Calls Him 'An Angel of Peace'
Pope Francis welcomed PA President Mahmoud Abbas to the Vatican today, calling him "an angel of peace."
Pope Francis warmly welcomed Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas on the latter's visit to the Vatican today (Saturday). The Pope even went so far as to call Abbas "an angel of peace."
Though he is Muslim, Abbas flew to the Vatican in order to participate in tomorrow's canonization of two new Arab saints. The two nuns lived during the 19th century in what was then known as Ottoman-ruled Palestine.
Pope Francis's compliment towards Abbas came when the two exchanged gifts. The Pope gave Abbas a medallion that represents the angel of peace defeating the "bad spirit of war," and said that it is appropriate because "you are an angel of peace." In return, Abbas gave the Pope relics from the new saints.
In addition to celebrating the new saints, the Holy See recently announced that it has worked out a treaty with the "state of Palestine," cementing its decision two years ago to recognize the "country." The Vatican's deputy foreign minister, Antoine Camilleri, expressed his hope that "the accord could, even in an indirect way, help the Palestinians in the establishment and recognition of an independent, sovereign and democratic State of Palestine."
Israel's foreign ministry reacted strongly to the treaty, saying, "Such a development does not further the peace process and distances the Palestinian leadership from returning to direct bilateral negotiations. Israel will study the agreement and consider its next step." ...
...Mahmound Abbas who's messages of anti-Israel hate continue to be spewed on a regular basis is now "An Angel of Peace" per Pope Francis...spoken like the true False Prophet. The birth Pangs are getting louder people...time is getting very short! ...also see May 13th Highlight below.
WAKE-UP CHURCH! (Ephesians 5:14) Look-Up! (Luke 21:28, Buckle-Up! (Ephesians 6:13), because we are Going-Up! (I Thessalonians 4:16-17) SOON! (Revelation 22:12)
Is The Psalm 83 Confederacy (Islamic Caliphate) Surrounding Israel?
Exclusive: ISIS columns heading from Syria toward Jordan, first targeting the border crossing
The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant – ISIS – was on the move Sunday, May 24, from central Syria to the Jordanian border…the initial ISIS mission is to take control of the eastern section of the border, including the meeting point between the Syrian, Jordanian and Iraqi frontiers…After the border crossing, ISIS is expected to seize villages and towns in northeastern Jordan…ISIS is popular in the kingdom, especially in the southern regions abutting on Israel and Saudi Arabia…
The US and Iraqi and Syrian armies go to pieces against ISIS drive. Israel, Jordan, Saudis alarmed
The fall of Damascus and Baghdad, or large slices thereof, into the rapacious hands of the Islamic State, is no longer a debatable subject of strategic forecasts - the capital cities of Syria and Iraq are within the Islamists’ grasp…ISIS has caused a Middle East earthquake after another by capturing Ramadi in Iraq and Palmyra in Syria in a matter of days. Their alarmed neighbors in Jerusalem, Amman and Riyadh have been forced to conclude that their borders are in danger - not just from Iran, but also from ISIS, and they will have to confront these perils on their own…
No army in Mid East is challenging ISIS
Hassan Nasrallah Saturday, May 23, called his Lebanese Shiite Hizballah movement to the flag, because “we are faced with an existential crisis” from the rising belligerence of the Islamist State of Iraq and the Levant. His deputy, Sheik Naim Qssem, sounded even more desperate: “The Middle East is at the risk of partition” in a war with no end in sight, he said. “Solutions for Syria are suspended. We must now see what happens in Iraq.”… not a single competent army capable of launching all-out war on ISIS is to be found in the Middle East heartland – in the space between the 1,000km long Jordan and the Euphrates and Tigris to the east, or between Ramadi and the Saudi capital of Riyadh to the south.
By Sunday, May 24, this perception had seeped through to the West…
ISIS Trying to Make Inroads in Jerusalem
Jerusalem City Council member Aryeh King urged all Israelis to be more aware – not just of local terrorists, but of worldwide organizations like ISIS who are trying to bring their own brand of terror to Israel...Last week, a group called 'Hib al-Tahrir' held a giant meeting at the Mount of Olives. This is the new ISIS of Israel. They are already operating around Israel, and in Jerusalem in particular. This is going to blow up in our faces eventually if we do not stop it now. This is something that must concern all authorities...
Bolton: Obama So Blinded By Ideology He Can’t See We Are Losing to ISIS
John Bolton said the Obama administration is losing to ISIS because “they are blinded by their own ideology.” When asked about President Barack Obama’s claim last week that we are not losing to ISIS in Iraq and Syria Bolton said, “I think they’re in denial. I don’t think that’s anything new. I think they’ve been in denial about the war on terror the last six plus years. They don’t want to admit we are in a war. They would rather treat it as a law enforcement matter…
Hezbollah seizes hilltops from al-Qaida in Syrian province bordering Israel
The Lebanese Shi'ite Muslim group have captured the hilltops of Quba'a and Naqar in Syria's southwestern Quneitra province, which lies in sensitive territory close to Lebanon and Israel…
Hamas Declares Jerusalem ‘Eternal Capital’ of Islamic World
Hamas has declared that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Islamic world,”… “There is no doubt that the Israeli occupation will take its last breath sometime soon,” he added.”.But Jerusalem shall forever remain Arabs [sic] and Muslims’ [sic] own property and the eternal capital of the Palestinian independent state and the Islamic nation as a whole.”…
In a speech that got almost no coverage in the Western media, Erdogan talked about invading and reconquering Jerusalem… Erdogan wants to fulfill Zechariah 12 and 14 where Jerusalem becomes the ‘cup of trembling’ to ‘all surrounding nations’ when they storm against Jerusalem to annihilate all Israel.”… “This is more than just political rhetoric (by Erdogan). We have to remember that the Ottoman Turks controlled Jerusalem for close to 500 years, and there really is this increasing return of the Ottoman aspirations to control the region once again,” - “And that means not only Jerusalem but also Mecca and Medina…
It is quite apparent that not only ISIS is continuing to surround Israel and closing in on its borders, but Hezbollah, Hamas and Turkey are as well. The fulfillment of Psalm 83 and other prophesied regional wars is clearly in motion and tensions are escalating. All of our prior comments in red below (on our Update page apply! Prophecy being fulfilled in real time before our eyes!
Israel in the Crosshairs of the Middle East War Drums
Top Khamenei Advisor: We Have Divine Permission to Destroy Israel
An official close to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei asserted that his government has a godly ordained right to annihilate Israel… “the Noble Koran permits the Islamic Republic of Iran to destroy Israel.” He added that, “Even if Iran gives up its nuclear program, it will not weaken this country’s determination to destroy Israel.”… Iran also actively finances and militarily backs proxy terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah that are ideologically opposed to Israel’s existence…
Let's see what Israel's "Devine" has to say about that - Jeremiah 49:34-37 tells quite a different story! (This is a yet to be fulfilled prophecy)
“The word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah the prophet against Elam [Iran], in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah, saying, “Thus says the Lord of hosts:
‘Behold, I will break the bow of Elam [Iran],
The foremost of their might.
Against Elam [Iran] I will bring the four winds
From the four quarters of heaven,
And scatter them toward all those winds;
There shall be no nations where the outcasts of Elam [Iran] will not go.
For I will cause Elam [Iran] to be dismayed before their enemies
And before those who seek their life.
I will bring disaster upon them,
My fierce anger,’ says the Lord;
‘And I will send the sword after them
Until I have consumed them.”
Be assured of the Biblically promised outcome: “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” Zechariah 12:3
“And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.” Zechariah 12:9
“No weapon formed against you shall prosper…” Isaiah 54:17a
Hezbollah Unveils Vast Terror Tunnel Network along Israel’s Northern Border
In preparation for war with Israel, the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah has built an advanced network of terror tunnels that run along the northern border with Israel… the terror group’s vast tunnel network and revealed that they were being used to store tens of thousands of rockets to be used against the Jewish state… Hezbollah forces are reported to be in a state of high readiness for conflict with Israel and are being supported by advanced infrastructure and equipment… Hezbollah’s tunneling revelation and preparation for war comes as no surprise to Israel. Earlier this month, a senior Israeli intelligence official revealed that intelligence estimates believe Hezbollah has some 100,000 rockets pointed at Israel…
“Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted; propose your plan, but it will not stand, for God is with us.” (Isaiah 8:10)
Five long-range rockets from inside Gaza City target S. Israel, claimed by Islamic Jihad, Popular Front
Sirens across southern Israeli Tuesday night, May 26, warned of at least five incoming rockets from the Gaza Strip. They were accompanied by loud explosions. One long-range Grad rocket exploded in the industrial zone of the coastal city and port of Ashdod near the Big In shopping mall which was crowded with shoppers… No casualties were immediately reported except for a number of shock victims, but accounts of damage are still awaited…
The Middle East continues to be on the very brink of the fulfillment of Psalm 83, Zechariah 12, Obadiah 1, Isaiah 17, Isaiah 19, Ezekiel 35 and Jeremiah 49
Continue to “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: "May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels." Psalm 122:6-7 ...May PM Benjamin Netanyahu and his new Cabinet members be like “the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do”… I Chronicles 12:32
"Blow a trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm on My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the Day of the Lord is coming; surely it is near." Joel 2:1
"Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near." Luke 21:28
"Encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near." Hebrews 10:25b
A Watchman’s View From The Wall
"And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!" Mark 13:37
~ A Watchman ~